Commented FCI standard, whose author isDr. Robert Pollet, Belgium, doctor of chemical sciences and retired research manager, has been showing dogs successfully since 1966 and his career as an international dog exterior judge began in 1974. Together with his wife Agnes (also an international judge) he bred German Shepherds and German Shepherds and owned many other breeds, such as Belgian shepherds, collies, Neapolitan mastiffs, English bulldogs, bull terriers and bloodhounds. Currently, he owns two older champions (Belgian and American) of the schipper breed: the dog "Duvel" ("Devil") and the female American Lady "Merry".
Brochure - Schipperke - interpretation of the FCI standard (Schipperke Blueprint)
Translation from the English original The Blueprint of the Schipperke. With the approval of the Belgian Royal Club, with a dedication by the president of the Belgian Royal Club and with a foreword to the Czech edition. Published under the supervision of the author's wife, Mrs. Agnes Pollet.