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P U P P Y   A R R I V A L !!

JUNE 2023

Schipperke Aero Alpha Nero with her 3rd litter of puppies 2023

The "D" litter is here!

And now it's no longer a secret that

the non-participation at April's Club Winner Show 

was caused by the trip across the English Channel, to the groom :D

On June 27, 2023, Žlutinka gave birth to 5 black worms, 3 boys and 2 girls. We carefully record their daily development, progress, stories, photos, and videos in the Facebook Diary.


The puppies were born in the early hours of the morning, the first to see the world was a pink girl (175 g) at 3:23, followed by a blue boy (176 g) at 3:31, followed by two more boys, a gray one (195 g) at 4:05 and a green (163g) at 4:32 and a vivacious yellow girl (170g) finished it all at 5:15.

It is an extremely balanced litter, and even during the first week, the two most active members - the yellow girl and the green boy - were visible. In general, it looks like a very active and active litter, no homemade buns :D

The Sir of the Litter is an English prince - William, registered name Revloch Fire At Will, but he was born in Ireland to English parents, sir Byquy Sage and Dam Aradet Campari At Revloch. If litter A was supposed to mean the closing of the imaginary circle of the fate of my journey to the dream of a bird, then this litter is its amplification.

William is a family Schipperke, living with Belgian shepherds and Irish wolfhounds in the far north of England, almost at the Scottish border. He is very temperamental, friendly, open to everything new, inquisitive, and a very typical Schipperke. He and Žlutinka match each other in terms of pedigree and type, and I believe that the puppies will get the best from both parents, especially from Žlutinka's inexhaustible appetite for work, drive, and sportsmanship.


We will confirm / open the reservation in two / three weeks. 

April - May 2023

06.05.2023 - Regional Dog Show Florinka Olomouc

Karmínka (Carmine Alpha Nero) - Regional Winner (judged by Mr Ladislav Frnčo)

29.04.2023 - Club Winner Show KCHMPP

Džíno, Žlutina i Máša - all absent :( 

Crincle Alpha Nero - Exc 2nd (judged by Mr Miroslav Václavík)

15.04.2023 - CACIB České Budějovice

Džínek - CAC, CACIB, BOB; Žlutinda - CAC, res.CACIB (judged by Mrs Zdena Jílková)

08.04.2023 - CAC Špilberka Brno

Džínek - CAC, NV, BOB, 3.BIG!!; Žlutinda  - CAC, NV, BOS (breed judge Mr Otakar Vondrouš, group judge Leoš Jančík)

Karmínka (Carmine Alpha Nero) - CAC

January - February - March 2023

05. 03. 2023 - Bonitace Perón

Džínek (Bamm-Bamm) got his breeding permission!! Available for breeding for all the tailed bitches throughout Europe . Thoroughly tested at Embark - all clear (incl. PRCD, vWD, MPS IIIB, DM) Mass  7.9 kg.

Do not hesitate to contact us if interested! 

04. 03. 2023 - Regional winner show KCHMPP

Džínek - Regional Winner, Žlutinka - Regional Winner (judged by Mr Karel Peroutka); Best Brace - naughty both :D

25. - 26. 02. 2023 - Rally-Obedience Tachyon

Žlůťa passed Rally-Obedience exams: RO-Z + RO1!

28. + 29. 01. 2023 - DUO CACIB Brno

Sat: Džínek CAC, CACIB, BOS; Žlutinka CAC, res.CACIB (judged by Mrs Zdenka Jílková)

Sun: Džínek CAC, CACIB, BOB; Žlutinka CAC, CACIB, BOS (judged by Mr Ladislav Frnčo)

Results of the club competition Show dog of the year 2022:

►KingBamm-Bamm Alpha Nero     ►Queen - Aero Alpha Nero     ►Absolute winner of the adult category Bamm-Bamm Alpha Nero    ►Most successful kennel: 2nd place - Alpha Nero

Thank you to everyone for the representation, congratulations to the other winners and placed, and thank you to the club for the demanding processing of the results. (Complete Results)​

Thank you all, you are interested in a puppy from us! We appreciate it very much! 

Do not hesitate to contact us! 

Stay up-to-date and follow us!       Hashtags FB/IG #alphanerokennels, #Máša, #Žluti #Geeno #Geenooo #AlphaNero

Look at the Puppies'-New-Year's-Eve :o)

Caricature of Alpha Nero

© 2003 - 2023 by Alpha Nero & Doolittle.

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The secret of our pets' fur quality:

Orijen Six Fish / Small Breeds

(bright coal-black of a perfect structure)

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